Aug 5, 2016

Mallorca #5: I wonder...


I wonder who lives in these houses surrounded by oleander trees. I wonder who put the pots with geraniums and decorated this already charming stairs. I wonder who wakes up looking at the sunrise and who looks into the pinkish sky in the evening, happy and peaceful, knowing that tomorrow will be another sunny day. I wonder who takes the stroll on this almost private little beach, wondering about life. I wonder who enters the house between the oleanders and prepares dinner because his/her friends are about to arrive in any minute. I walk among this little street and I wonder, what if I am that person, but I just don't know it yet? I wonder... :)


Me pregunto quien vive en las casas rodeadas de flores. Me pregunto quien puso los geranios en la escalera que sería encantadora incluso sin ellos. Me pregunto quien se despierta por la mañana observando el sol apareciendo detrás del mar y por la tarde admira el cielo rosa sabiendo que mañana será otro día soleado. Me pregunto quien pasea por esta cala casi privada, pensando el la vida y en la cena que va a preparar porque sus amigos están a punto de llegar. Estoy paseando por los callejones llenos de flores y me pregunto: ¿Y si esa persona soy yo, pero aún no lo sé? Me pregunto... :)


Pitam se ko živi u kućama okruženim lijanderima. Pitam se ko je poređao saksije sa muškatlama po ovom već preljupkom stepeništu. Pitam se ko se budi uz izlazak sunca, dok se ono pojavljuje iz mora, a ko predveče posmatra to isto nebo rozikaste boje, znajući da će i sutra biti lep i sunčan dan. Pitam se ko šeta po ovoj gotovo skrivenoj plažici i razmišlja o životu. Pitam se ko li večeras od prijatelja dolazi na večeru. Šetam se između lijandera i pitam se: A šta ako sam ta osoba možda baš ja, samo to još uvek ne znam? Pitam se... :)

I wore:
Tunic: Dressgal
Shorts: Sabrina
Bag: Mango
Sandals: Primark
Necklace: Blanco
Bracelet: non branded



  1. You are very beautiful! Good style, I like it!

    Come visit →PANAMA ASTI
    post comments or reviews... Me will be very pleasant :)

  2. Tijana, please stop sharing such gorgeous photos because it's painful :D I don't have words left to describe this magical place, I bet it's even more captivating in real. Whenever I travel, I always wonder how people live on these lands, how lucky/unlucky they are, etc. So, I would have wondered as well those things, but also do people appreciate what they have, or they take it for granted? Love the photos of the sunset and the photos of you on the stairs, Tijana! Have a great weekend! xo

    1. Haha, sorry :D For what it's worth, it's painful for me as well because I'm back in the real life and it's not so picturesque, although I'm trying to enjoy it as well :)
      I love what you said. I'm sure they have good and bad moments like we all do and I guess they take for granted some of the "luxuries" that we admire from far. After all, what we see and what we have is very relative but it's nice to dream and wonder, isn't it? :) Thank you, dear Sany! <3

  3. kao neka grčka božica u toj haljini!!! a mjesto je stvarno prekrasno, kao iz neke bajke....kao i tvoj tekst koji je jako poetičan i dubok...što ako, što ako? Zapravo vjerujem da smo svi mi nekim nevidljivim nitima povezani, kao što kažu pjesme:)

    Zalazak sunca prekrasno uhvaćen, svi ti brodovi na moru, ti zagledana u daljinu.....čista ljepota!

    1. Hvala ti, draga :) To je divan kompliment :) Drago mi je da ti se dopao i tekst. Iako uvek razmišjam na sličan način o novim mestima, to mesto me je nekako posebno inspirisalo jer je kao iz neke bajke i drugačije od okoline u kojoj se nalazi. Mislim da zaista i jesmo svi povezani, a koliko samo puta pomislimo da nešto što imamo sada i danas, nismo mogli da zamislimo ni u najluđem snu. Zato volim i da maštam i da se radujem tom nekom nepoznatom trenutku koji će nekada doći...

    2. da baš tako, u životu se stvarno nikada ne zna, a možda je u tome i sva ljepota. Nikada ne znamo što nas čeka, puno toga čega se nismo ni nadali se ostvari, pa onda vidimo koliko je bespotrebno brinuti se oko nekih svakodnevni briga....

    3. Upravo tako. Treba gledati "the big picture" kako se kaže ;)

  4. Como siempre unas fotos preciosas. Y tu outfit me encanta

  5. So gorgeous Tijana, i am loving this outfit!!! always looking stunning!!
    have a lovely weekend

  6. Me encanta el vestido es precioso!!besos

  7. cudownie wyglądasz!! :-) kiss!! ;-*

  8. That tunic is beautiful.Absolutely gorgeous.I love these pictures.So breathtakingly beautiful.

  9. Thanks for sharing, totally love it

  10. Wow, amazing pictures! Mallorca is so beautiful!

  11. Love the scenery and that sandals is lovely

  12. Lovely post!!!!

  13. Wonderful photos! You look very beautiful!

  14. Your strappy flat sandals pair well with your flowy tunic. very light and breezy. Your necklace was an extra special touch.

  15. you look so angelic
    keep in touch

  16. Baš mi se sviđa kako si ovo napisala, malo sam se i sama zamislila nad tim riječima...ti mi se duhom apsolutno savršno uklapaš u ova predivna mediteranska mjesta, male šarene uličice prepune cvijeća kao da su stvorene za tebe :)

    1. Baš mi je drago :) Hvala ti! Ja sam još kao mala sanjala o Mediteranu i dan danas ne mogu da verujem da mi se želja ostvarila :)

  17. It looks so relaxing, wonderful pictures and pretty look. Wish I could be there sipping on a cocktail.


  18. That place looks wonderful!Lovely pictures♥

  19. What a gorgeous dress, love the sleeves! And these pictures are just so stunning, looking dreamy! Xx

  20. Your photos always make me dream, dear! Enjoy your beautiful holidays!
    xx Elisa
    Francine's Place | Diy & Lifestyle Blog

  21. ¡Hola Tijana! Qué lindo posts, estas son las razones por las que me encanta viajar :D De repente hay gente a la que le molestan las diferencias culturales, yo la verdad creo que es la parte bonita de ir y conocer lugares nuevos... ¡Qué horror si todo el mundo fuera el mismo lugar! :P

    Yo también me hago esas preguntas cada que paseo por un lugar o cuando mi avión va despegando a un lugar nuevo y veo todas las casitas muy pequeñitas.

    Me encantó el texto de hoy y por supuesto el OOTD, sobre todo las mangas del top :D

    ¡Un besazo y que tengas un bonita semana! ;)
    Fungi Express blog

    1. No puedo estar más de acuerdo! Hay tanta variedad, tanta riqueza, tantas cosas, pasíses, gente que hay que descubrir. Como dice el refrán: "Traveling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer" ;)
      Sí, yo tambien pienso en la gente que vive en "las casas pequeñitas" :D
      Muchas gracias por tu comentario! :)

  22. Keep wondering and keep being wonderful. These are absolutely beautiful photos, that really exude the beauty of Mallorca. I hope you're doing well, the dress is beautiful <3

    xx   B A S H   |   go   say     H E Y   B A S H

    1. Awww... thank you so much for your lovely comment! :) <3

  23. Kakav divan i inspirativan tekst! Zaista me odusevljavas multitalentovana lepotice :-)
    Preslatka je ova bela haljinica, idealna za morski ambijent. Slike su, malo je reci, bozanstvene.


    1. Hvala puno, Ivanice moja :) Drago mi je da ti se sve dopalo toliko :) <3

  24. Fotografije na ovom blogu uvek čine da se osećam kao da sam sve videla rođenim očima. Nemoguće je apsolutno verno prikazati lepotu bilo kog bića ili prizora foto-aparatom, ali na ovom blogu je to toliko blizu autentičnoj lepoti koja se samo očima može videti da se uvek iznova divim. Predivni postovi i predivne fotografije su ono zbog čega se stalno vraćam. <3
    A haljina je naprosto idealna za leto. :)

    1. Jelena, hvala ti najlepše na ovakvom komplimentu :) Fotografija je valjda i najvažniji segment mog bloga i drago mi je ako se trud i kvalitet prepoznaju :) Nadam se da će tako i ostati :) <3

  25. I just lovee the pictures and you are so so gorgeous <3 <3

  26. everything is so what you wear so much..

  27. Estás guapísima como siempre, las fotos son preciosas!
    Espero tu opinión en mi último post, besitos!

  28. great photos!

    NEW BLOG ! please follow me : YOUNG BLOG

  29. Hello Tijana! I have the same when I'm in new place, which is as much charming as the one from your post - I wonder if people, who live there for example choose different place for theirs vacation than the one, they live, because they got used to similar views, which haven't impressed them at all, because they live close place, which for many people for 1 week or more is something like paradise? What's more, I love your tunic, it suits to you perfectly, Tijana :)

    1. Yes, I think so. For example, I live in Barcelona which is one of the most popular cities in the world but that doesn't mean I'll stay here forever (i don't have those fancy view though :p) At least I enjoy discovering different places and cultures. So it's very relative, I guess. Nowadays, any place can be considered as a touristic destination and of course people who live there will look for something else :) Thanks, dear :)

  30. As you long as you love going to the beach I say keep wondering, that is the best place to wonder in peace dear before coming back to reality and dealing the with other wonder of the world that are not so pleasing. I love the beach and the outfit because that tunic top is giving me life, always stunning dear!

    1. Yes, we really need to save ourselves from all that negativity. Thank you so much, honey :)

  31. Da, tocno tako... tko, tko, uistinu-tko! Oduvijek su me fascinirale te stare, kamene kuce ili pak one napustene... i uvijek te misli tko je jednom tu zivio i kako. Zavrsni dio me posebno odusevio... onako, dade ti za razmisljanje...
    Kombinacija je kao i uvijek divna i odusevljava... ti i more i ove carobne destinacije su postale kao svojevrsni dio tvoga identiteta. Preodusevljena sam!:***

    1. U prevodu, hoće li ona kuća od prošle godine da nađe svog vlasnika (mene) ? :D :D Da, nikad ne znaš ko, šta, kako. Spolja deluje idilično, ali zaista nikad ne znam šta se dešava iza fasade. A joj, kako si to lepo rekla. Mislim da zaista i jeste tako jer definitvno ne bih bila ista osoba bez takvog iskustva :) <3

  32. hvala ti puno na svim lijepim komentarima večer, baš si me razveselila, a bio mi je neki naporan dan:)

    1. Nema na čemu i baš mi je drago :) Ni meni nije bio neki dan, a tvoj blog je takođe učinio da se osećam bolje :)

  33. A mi también me encanta pasear por los callejones y pensar en que clase de gente vivirá en esas casas. Tu estas guapisima con ese vestido tan precioso y tus fotos preciosas. Un besito

    1. Creo que todos pensamos en eso y lo más curioso es que nunca lo sabremos de verdad. Nunca se sabe que hay detrás de esas paredes...
      Muchas gracias, Carmen :)

  34. Que bellas fotos, es lo que tienen los callejones, puro encanto, florecitas y el sello de quienes las pusieron allí. No me había dado cuenta que la blusa era blusa, pensaba que era un vestido jejeje hasta que mire las fotos por segunda vez ja!! Me encanta tu look fresco.

    1. Sí, es puro encanto como dices. Nunca me cansaría de ver ese tipo de callejones :) Jeje, bueno, la verdad es que se puede llevar de las dos maneras. Si le quitamos el cinturón, es más largo y se puede llevar como un vestido :) Me alegra que te guste :)

  35. great top! love it!

    Inside and Outside Blog
    P.S. I'm your newest follower!

  36. lovely style!

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