Mar 28, 2017

Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain #2: Explore. Dream. Discover


During our second day in Fuerteventura, we explored different part of the island and ended up in two villages and some spectacular viewpoints. First stop was Betancuria, the smallest municipality of Fuerteventura and Canary islands. What used to be former capital of Fuerteventura, now is a picturesque village in the mountain area, a surprisingly green part of the island, due to the fact that the majority of landscapes is either black and volcanic or beige and sandy. It was a perfect spot for the launch break surrounded with all kinds of exotic vegetation, green hills in the horizon and the sound of the carnival that took place in the center of the village.
     Our day ended in Ajuy, a small fishermen village with black sand beach, big waves and sea caves formed by lava which we unfortunately couldn't see because of extremely strong wind. Speaking about the wind, well, it was probably the windiest day of my life and I don't like it at all haha, but it was totally worth the experience and it made the whole day a bit more adventurous :)


Nuestro segundo día en Fuerteventura fue reservado para dos pueblos preciosos de la isla y varios miradores espectaculares que encontarmos por el camino. Primera parada fue Betancuria, el municipio más pequeño tanto de Fuerteventura, como de las Islas Canarias. Hoy en día es seguramente el pueblo más pintoresco de la isla, situado en las montañas cuyos paisajes verdes se diferencian del resto de Fuerteventura que es negro y volcánico o blanquesino y arenoso. Betancuria fue un lugar perfecto para comer rodeados de las plantas exóticas, los montes verdes en el horizonte y la música del carnaval que venía del centro del pueblo.
     Por la tarde nos fuimos a Ajuy, un pueblo de pescadores famoso por su playa de arena negra y cuevas en las rocas que desafortunadamente no pudimos ver por el viento fuerte que tuvimos ese día. Creo que fue el día con más viento en mi vida jaja y la verdad es que no me gusta nada, pero creo que justo ese viento fuerte hizo ese día aún más especial y aventurero :)


Drugi dan našeg boravka na Fuereventuri smo proveli na nešto drugačiji način, tj. u obilasku dva mesta i na različitim vidikovcima na koje smo usput nailazili. Prvo odredište je bilo mesto Betancuria, najmanja opština kako na Fuerteventuri, tako i na Kanarskim ostrvima. Nekada se radilo o prestonici ostrva, a danas je verovatno najslikovitije mesto na planinskom delu Fuerteventure koje je iznenađujuće zeleno s obzirom na to da je većina predela prekrivena crnom vulkanskom zemljom i beličastim peščanim dinama. Pauza za ručak je došla u pravo vreme i na pravom mestu, okruženom egzotičnom vegetacijom, zelenim poljima na horizontu i uz zvuk karnevala koji je dopirao iz centra ovog mestašceta.
     Druga polovina dana je bila namenjena malom ribarskom selu po imenu Ajuy (Ahuj), karaktierstičnom po velikoj crnoj plaži, ogromnim talasima i morskim pećinama koje nažalost nisu bile prohodne zbog izrazito jakog vetra. To je verovatno bio najvetrovitiji dan u mom životu, a ja ne nikako ne volim vetar haha, ali u svakom slučaju, nije uspeo da mi pokvari taj dan, čak naprotiv, dao mu je posebnu avanturističku draž  :)

I wore:
Sweater: Mango
Dress: Mango
Bag: Slow Love
Sunglasses: Michael Kors



  1. Nice place and pictures, have a good day

  2. Such a wonderful holliday destination, photos of this island are amazing :-)

  3. wowwwww so gorgeous Tijana simply beautiful and the quality photos you have is so superb you should talk about the equipment you use for blogging one day

    1. Thnak you so much! We really do our best to make as great content as possible and all the complimenst for the photos go to my husband :) But yeah, I like your suggestion and I'll think about discussing it in some future post. Thanks for the idea! :)

  4. fantastične fotografije...prekrasno mjesto u svakom pogledu...nestvarno lijepo...i ti si divna na ovim fotografijama.

  5. WOWWW Amazing photos!! Love it!
    Check my new post*
    xx, A Be-atriz

  6. La verdad que has hecho un trabajo y unas fotografías espectaculares. Me han encantado, nunca he estado por allí a ver si me animo se ve precioso me has dejado con las ganas.

    1. Muchas gracias! Me alegra que mi trabajo se note :) Pues tienes ir algún día. Es un auténtico paraíso! :)

  7. Amazing photos !! Give the atmosphere of the place! The most beautiful waves!

  8. These photo's are so amazing I love it.

  9. Amazing plac:) beautiful photos:)
    Have a good day!

  10. What beautiful pictures, it looks like an amazing place!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  11. These photos are amazing, my dear! And this place is too.
    I just want to leave now and travel! I really need it :'(
    Oh, and I hate wind too! It's so annoying especially when you're trying to enjoy a new place (and maybe an ice cream haha).
    Happy happy Wednesday, honey!
    xx Elisa
    Francine's Place | Diy & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Hopefully you can get away somewhere soon! :)
      Haha, that made me laugh so much :D Wind is the worst thing ever and I don't even want to imagine it with an ice cream lol! :D
      I wish you the happiest Wednesday as well! :)
      Thank you! <3

  12. OOHH MYYY! These photos are really fantastic xxxx

  13. A perfect place to visit amazing pictures

  14. Wow! Stunning photos! Wonderful place!

  15. This place is amazing.I really love the scenery.Breathtakingly beautiful.

  16. Hi Tijana! Again, I really like your photos and I love the fact that you showed here different views of Fuerteventura - I really like as much the ones with vulcanic and black sand as the ones with greeny landscapes, how cool is that this island has so many opposites and contaries, ha :D What about the wind, I totally understand and agree with you - wind is annoying, especially when you have long hair, but from different point of view, your hair, streamed in the wind looks really nice on those photos :P

    Thank you for your comments on my blog, dear, I really appreciate it! :)
    Hope you're having lovely evening, dear! :)

    1. Thank you, my dear :) Yes, it was a surprise and especially because the island is not that big but offers so much variaty! That's just perfect if you ask me :D Haha, yes, long hair and wind are not a perfect match, but you're righ because they usually look good on photos together, but in real life is just arghhh... :D
      You're very welome, honey! It's my pleasure. Your posts always put me in a great mood! :)

    2. Thank you for your lovely words, Tijana, it means a lot to me! Oh, I excatly know what you mean - wind in real life isn't something as much great as the effect with wind on the photos, ha :D
      Hope that you're having amazing evening, dear friend!

    3. You're welcome, dear! I truly mean it :) haha, yes, the struggle is real :D :D

  17. woo me encantaa♡
    Qué imágenes más bonitas!
    Tienes nueva seguidora!!!
    "Espero que nos sigamos mutuamente"muack

  18. Hi Tijana, love the pictures you shared with us. Nice island! xx
    Coco and Jeans by Marisa x My Instagram x My Bloglovin

  19. I čarolija se nastavlja :-) Oduševila su me oba mesta koja ste posetili, a poseban šmek je baš i dao jak vetar i moja Tijanica u borbi sa istim hehehe. Impozantne su ove dve muške figure, a o prirodi i da ne govorim, prosto savršeno!

    1. Samo ja znam da je uživo vetar bio sasvim suprotan čaroliji :D :D Ali bar je efekat na slikama moćan i dinamičan. Znala sam da će se isplatiti :D Hvala ti, Ivanice! Da, zaista svaki prizor oduzima dah! <3

  20. So much fun! Your photos are trully stunning :)
    The Fancy Cats

  21. What a wonderful pictures dear!!I follow you with pleasure.I'm waiting for you on my blog.

  22. Hola Tijana! Me encantan todas y cada una de las fotos que nos enseñas, qué luz tan bonita! La verdad es que Fuerteventura es un pequeño paraiso, tengo muchísimas ganas de visitarlo. No se si lo sabes, pero en Cádiz hace viento prácticamente todo el año, por lo que a mí tampoco me gusta nada, pero nada de nada! Aun así, me gustan mucho las fotos en las que salís retratados, son como mucho más naturales. Preciosa entrada. Feliz fin de semana guapa! Besos.

    1. Muchas gracias, Verónica! :) Es una maravilla, la luz es espectacular y hay tantas cosas para ver y descrubrir. Estoy segura que te encantaría sobre todo porque sé que te gusta mucho viajar :) Jaja, sí, lo sé! Estuve ahí hace años :D Habrá que tener mucha paciencia me imagino :D Aquí en Barcelona también hay viento, depende del día, pero lo de Fuerteventura es brutal jaja! :D
      Besos e igualmente! <3

  23. prelepe su fotografije kao i ove slatke zivotinjice!


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