Mar 23, 2017

Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain - Everything you can imagine is real


I'm sitting on one of the volcanic rocks which number begins where the infinity ends and I'm looking this, too-good-to-be-true, turquoise shade that's disappearing in the Atlantic ocean. The calendar says winter, the temperature says summer. I'm still in my country, Spain, but much closer to Morocco and Sahara Desert. The wind is blowing in hundreds of different directions, there's just me, just us and the world. Freedom, wilderness, views and feelings that are making me so calm, like the most rewarding night sleep, yet my heart is jumping faster and faster. I don't know what's faster, my heartbeat or the wind, I just know that Picasso was right when he said - "Everything you can imagine is real". That's how it made me feel. 
     Welcome to the island which name means "strong fortune", "strong winds" and "great adventure". Welcome to the place where reality becomes something else, where you become someone else...
Welcome to Fuerteventura!

Estoy sentada en una de las rocas volcánicas cuyo número empieza en lo infinito, mientras mi vista se pierde en un tono turquesa, demasiado bonito para ser real, disfuminándose en el océano Atlántico. El calendario dice invierno, la temperatura dice verano. No, no me he ido al Caribe, sigo en España, pero mucho más cerca a Marruecos y al desierto de Sáhara. El viento está soplando en todas las direciones posibles, estoy yo, estamos nosotros y nadie más. La sensación de libertad, los paisajes salvajes, enormes y espectaculares tienen un efecto sedante como el mejor de los sueños, pero a la vez noto que mi corazón va más rápido en cada segundo que pasa. No sé que tiene más velocidad, el viento o mis pulsaciones, solo sé que Picasso tenía razón cuando dijo "Todo lo que puedes imaginar es real". Esa frase escribe la sensación que tuve de la manera más acertada. 
     Bienvenidos al sitio cuyo nombre dice "buena fortuna", "vientos fuertes" y "gran aventura". Bienvenidos al rinconcito de nuestro planeta donde la realidad se transforma en algo más, donde uno se transforma en algo más...
¡Bienvenidos a Fuerteventura!

Sedim na kamenu vulkanskog porekla čiji broj tek počinje negde gde se završava beskonačno i gledam u veličanstveno prostranstvo ispred sebe, neke izrazito nerealne tirkizne nijanse koja se stapa u širini Atlantskog okeana. Kalendar kaže zima, temperatura kaže leto. I dalje sam "kod kuće" u Španiji, ali geografski bliže Maroku i Sahari. Vetar duva u sto različitih pravaca. Tu sam ja, tu smo mi i ceo svet pred nama. Sloboda, divljina, prostranstvo i vidici me smiruju kao najlepši san, a u isto vreme mislim da će mi srce eksplodirati od uzbuđenja i sreće. Ne znam šta je jače i brže, da li vetar, da li moj puls, samo znam da je Pikaso bio u pravu kad je rekao da je stvarno sve što možemo da zamislimo. To je možda najbolji opis ove tačkice na zemaljskoj kugli. 
     Dobrodošli na ostrvo čije ime znači "dobra sreća", "jak vetar" i "velika avantura". Dobrodošli na mesto gde stvarnost postaje nešto drugo, gde vi sami postajete neko drugi...
Dobrodošli na Fuerteventuru!

I wore:
Dress: Mango
Bag: Primark
Sneakers: Converse
Sunglasses: Dolce & Gabbana


  1. Just like the tittle everthing you can imagine are true! The true beautiful creature of madame nature <3
    Anyway I adore your dress <3
    THanks for following me, I'm following you too.
    I hope we can always stay in touch!


    1. Thank you so much, Ayu! Glad you think so :) And yes, it would be my pleasure :)

  2. Unas fotos preciosas y me encanta el vestido
    Besos guapa

  3. Fantastic photos!
    Have a nice evening!
    Gil Zetbase

    Check my blog and my new post*
    xx, A Be-atriz

  5. Unas fotos espectaculares. Parece el paraíso!
    El vestido con las deportivas te queda espectacular!
    Un besazo!!

    1. Sí, realmente es un paraíso! Muchas gracias! Me alegra que gusten! :)

  6. Wow, I'm amazed by your post! You're right - Fuertaventura - and especially the part of island from your first photo - is beautiful place, with surrealistic views! :) I thought that Tarragona has amazing shade of water, but the one from this post is just terrific! What's more, thank you for you impressive photos, like always, looking at your post was pleasure. I hope that you'll made funny facts about Fuertaventura, because I'd love to get to know something about this island more ;)
    Take care, Tijana :)

    1. It's so nice to get this type of feedback and especially after all the hours and effort I put into this type of posts. Thank you so much, my dear! It means a lot! <3 Yes, Fuerteventura and all the Canary islands are like a different world and it's really hard to explain it, it's something you have to see and feel :) Yes, fun facts are coming next week and I'm so glad that you asked! :)

    2. I visited Tenerife few years ago, so I know something about Canary Islands, I was really amazed on the views too. What's more, it's apparent and visible that you put so much effort in this and previous of your post, Tijana :)
      Hope you're having lovely Monday, dear friend!

    3. Oh, great! Yeah, Tenerife is awesome as well! I went there few years ago and I'll definitely go back in future. Honestly, you can't go wrong with Canary Islands. Thank you so much, dear! I really enjoy "talking" to you. You're so kind and sweet :)

  7. Everything you can imagine is truly real. These pics are breathtaking! I love your floral dress.

    1. I knew you would agree ;) Thank you so much!

  8. Realmente increíble! Vaya paisaje, que ganas de verano viendo todo esto :) Estas llena de felicidad y me alegro muchísimo. Tengo mucha curiosidad por conocer este lugar, también me llama la atención, algún día !!! Muchos besitos guapa estás preciosa con este vestido de flores :)

    Comparte ilusión.

    1. Muchas gracias, Natalia :) Te lo recomiendo! Lo bueno es que desde España se puede ir muy fácil y suele ser barato también si evitas las temporada alta como yo :D Es realmente un paraíso :) <3

  9. ¡Unas fotos preciosas!

  10. Wow what a beautiful place you look amazing

  11. Nice pictures, have a good day

  12. such beautiful pictures! I would like to visit Canary Island

  13. Bože moj, koji raj na zemlji...ovaj krajolik je nestvarno divan, ne mogu se nadiviti plavetnilu u pijesku...doslovno gledam i ne vjerujem! A još ti u toj preslatkoj cvjetnoj haljinici, ma savršeno za kraj tjedna! <3 <3

    1. Stvarno je kao neka druga planeta! Hvala ti! <3

  14. Amazing pictures! :)

  15. Nossa , fantásticas suas fotos , sério , da até para imaginar como é estar aí ♡

  16. Draga ovo je fenomenalno. Post mi se jako dopao i tvoja kombinacija... ljubac

    Pratim te <3

  17. Ovo mjesto je stvarno kao iz snova...i Picasso je imao pravo, sve što možemo zamisliti je stvarno. Mi zapravo svi sami stvaramo svoju stvarnost, naša je uvijek odluka u što ćemo vjerovati, hoćemo li povjerovati zlobnim glasovima (koji ponekad znaju biti i u našoj vlastitoj glavi) ili ćemo imati hrabrosti tragati za nečim boljim.....

    Fuerteventura je prekrasna...otok kao iz snova, prekrasne plaže, nevjerojatne boje, predivni predjeli....znaš već kako volim te vulkanske stijene i koloritet....Osim pejzaža koji je stvarno jedinstven, jako mi se sviđaju i fotografije detalja...ona preslatka vjererica, stope u pijesku na putu prema moru, ona velika skulptura od žice koja izgleda kao da će poletjeti (kao i ti i Uli...i vas dvoje samo što ne poletite:):):)) fotografije su stvarno savršene. Preslatki ste na ovoj zajedničkoj fotografiji.

    1. Tako je! Uglavnom ti zlobni glasovi postoje samo u našim glavama, ali imamo moć da ih ućutkamo i da dokažemo Pikasovu misao jer je skoro sve u našim rukama ;)
      Znam da voliš vulkanske predele koliko i ja i drago mi je da je i tebe Fuerteventura očarala :) Teško ju je i opisati rečima jer je ostrvo kao izmišljeno :) Hvala ti na divnim rečima i komplimentima! Uvek mi je zadovoljstvo da čujem tvoje utiske! :) <3

  18. This is where I want to be

  19. ¡Hola! Ay, qué hermoso lugar♥♥♥ Me quedé enamorada, la combinación rocas-playa es hermosa, y las fotos que subiste están bellísimas también. Ojalá aquí el agua fuese de esa tonalidad tan cristalina y pura :)
    PD. ¡Me enamoré de tu cabello! Está lindísimo *.*
    Acabo de descubrir tu blog, me quedo a seguirte. Nos leemos♥

    1. Hola y bienvenida! :) Muchas gracias por tu palabras! Me alegra que te gustara tanto! No sé donde vives, pero la verdad es que pocos sitios del mundo tienen ese color de agua. Fuerteventura es un auténtico paraíso :)

  20. Prosto ne mogu da se nagledam ove lepote - perfektno! <3

  21. Estoy enamorada de las islas canarias, me recuerdan a mi viaje tan maravilloso y el mar tan azul.
    Un besito guapa :)

  22. veoma mi se dpoada naslov tvog posta, kao i fotografije naravno!

  23. Hola guapa!
    Qué lugar tan precioso, que aguas tan azules! Me encantan todas las fotos que nos enseñas. Nunca he estado en las islas.. ni Canarias, ni Baleares.. es algo que tengo pendiente. Espero poder remediarlo pronto, porque con estas playas que nos enseñas dan unas ganas tremendas de visitar ese lugar jeje.
    Tú estás estupenda, como siempre. El vestido es muy bonito y me gusta mucho como queda con las Converse.
    Feliz semana!! Besos.
    Por cierto, te sigo desde ya en Instagram ;)

    1. Hola Verónica! Siempre me alegra leer tus comentarios :) Pues te recomiendo tanto las islas Baleares, como Canarias! Realmente no hay que salir de España para encontar unas playas paradisíacas y mucho más que eso! :) Seguro que te encnatarían! Yo he estado en casi todas las islas jeje y ya sé que iré repitiendo :)
      Muchas gracias por tus palabras! :)

  24. What a turquoise heaven. I love it, from the sky to the ocean and your dress. And the pictures of nature especially that adorable squirrel. So much beauty. Thank you for sharing this love. Such a therapy for my eyes, hehe :D x

    1. I'm so glad to hear that! :) Thank you so much for the compliments. It's my pleasure. And yes, the squirrel is a top model hehe :D :)

  25. que fotos más bonitas! cualquiera diría que es el caribe y no España!

    un beso enorme preciosa

    1. Gracias! Siempre digo que no tenemos ni que salir de España para encontrar esas aguas turquesas ;)

  26. Evo mene konačno da ostavim komentar na ovaj, ni manje ni vise, rajski post! Predivan ambijent, bas me je podsetio na afričke destinacije sto nije ni čudo s obzirom da je blizu Afrika :-) Ne znam sta bih pre pohvalila, boje su prosto čarobne. Uli i ti ste preslatki putoholicari i zaista je divno videti da oboje uživate u otkrivanju novih mesta.
    Ljubim punooo

    1. Da, iako formalno pripada Evropi, zaparavo nema veze sa njom pa je i skroz neuporedivo. Blizina Afrike je definitvno učinila svoje :) Hvala ti puno na komentaru! Drago mi je da se i tebi sviđa i od srca ti preporučujem Kanarska ostrva kao neku sledeću destinaciju ;) Da, mi smo se pooooptuno našli i po tom pitanju :D Cmokić :*** <3

  27. These photos are incredible!!

  28. You are always in fantastic place my dear
    I love your solitary image

    1. I'm constantly searching for them :D Thanks!

  29. As usual very stylish look) Amazing photos!

  30. Omg, this place looks like heaven! Look at the colour of the water! I bet it is even more fascinating in real, but the photos also show its beauty. I would definitely consider visiting Fuerteventura as soon as possible. I see you wearing shorts, and you say the temperatures were high. Did you swim in the sea? Thank you for taking me there, Tijana! I started dreaming about the beach again. Have a great day!

    1. Yes, in real life is like a different planet or something! It's hard to describe it but yeah, the photos are showing the beauty pretty well. I have no doubt you would enjoy Fuerteventura and also other Canary Islands, especially because I know you're active like me and yes, the beaches are awesome! I didn't swim because I don't know, when you live near the beach, it's not the first thing you look for on other places... besides, we wanted to explore as much as possible, but I'll definitely try it next time :) Thank YOU for leaving your thoughts :)

  31. This place looks like an absolute dream! I'll have to visit one day. Thanks for sharing!
    xxx from Copenhagen,

    1. You won't regret it! Thank you, Caroline :)

  32. Such a beautiful place! I wish I could live there! Amazing photos btw!



  33. Such a stunning breathtaking place. Wish I was there too with my camera :) I would never come back :)
    Such gorgeous clicks Dear as always.
    And you look lovely in that dress and in those shoes. Loved the shoes so much.

    Epsita |


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