Dec 5, 2013

Let's take a walk

As I recently moved the only spare time I have lately is on Sundays and that's only because Ikea usually doesn't open on Sunday :P I got cold the last Sunday and thought "Whyyy, whyyy now?" I grabbed a blanket and decided to spend the day on the sofa and in my pajamas. And then I stood up and told Ulises: "Let's take a walk!" Despite of feeling bad I also felt like I needed a fresh air so we went outside and here are the photos as well. Two things done at the same time. I usually smile a lot both in real life and on the photos but now I realized that I didn't smile that much :P I guess I should have stayed resting instead. Anyway, here are the pictures of that day and a little puzzle pieces of my new neighborhood :)
Como me mudé hace poco el único tiempo libre que tengo es los domingos pero sólo porque Ikea no suele abrir los domingos :P El domingo pasado me puse mala de repente y pensé: " ¿Por quéeee, por que ahora? Cogí la manta y decidí esperar en el sofá y en pijama. Y entonces me levanté y se lo dije a Ulises: "Vamos a dar un paseo!" A pesar de sentirme mal necesitaba el aire fresco y aprovechamos ese rato para sacar fotos, claro. Dos cosas hechas a la vez. Suelo sonreir mucho tanto en la vida real como en las fotos pero me acabo de dar cuenta que esta vez no sonreí tanto :P Me debería haber quedado descansando quizá... De todas formas aquí tenéis las fotos de ese día y podéis intuir un poquito mi barrio nuevo :)
Kako sam se skoro preselila jedino slobodno vreme koje ugrabim je nedeljom ali samo zato što Ikea obično ne radi nedeljom :P Prošle nedelje me je odjednom uhvatila prehlada i pomislila sam: "Zaštooooo, zašto baš sad? Zgrabila sam ćebe i odlučila da ceo dan provedem na kauču u i pidžami. A onda sam ustala i rekla Ulisesu: "Hajdemo u šetnju!" Uprkos tome što sam se osećala bezveze mislila sam da će mi prijati svež vazduh a i kad smo već bili napolju iskorisitila sam to vreme za slikanje. 2 u 1. Obično se stalno smejem i osmehujem kako u pravom životu, tako i na slikama i sad tek vidim da se na današnjim slikama nisam baš mnogo smeškala :P Verovatno je trebalo da ostanem kod kuće. U svakom slučaju, slike su tu a takođe se nazire i mali deo mog novog komšiluka :)

Photos by Ulises

I wore: 
Jacket: N&S
Sweater: Primark (men)
Jeans: H&M
Bag: H&M
Boots: Deichmann
Sunglasses: MiniInTheBox
Scarf: N&S


  1. Bonita igual Tijana ,no te preocupes ,ese pañuelo es hermoso y te queda bello .muy bonito el lugar donde vives !!! besos :)

    1. Gracias, Mariela! :) Supongo que no se me nota mucho...
      El pañuelo me lo compré un día por emergencia, tenía mucho frio y ahora no me lo quito :)
      Y sí, es dificil no encontar algo bonito en Barcelona ;)

  2. Very nice, perfect pics and great outofit.

  3. Sometimes we just want sit on the sofà and do nothing! But at the end seems to be more realxing have a walk and keep fresh air! :)
    P.s. the Christmas tree in your neighborhood is wonderful!
    New post:
    Facebook Page Bonjourchiara

  4. You're right, you usually smile a lot more :p
    You look beautiful as always. I hope you're feeling better sweetie :)

    1. That's what I was talking about :D
      Thank you, dear. Yes, I'm much better now :)

  5. Great style perfect combination. Looks comfy and warm. Hope you feel much better soon. Sending good thoughts.. Have a nice day hun :)

  6. Hi Tijana, hope you feeling better. You look great, your jacket and scarf are amazing.
    Dusana :-)

  7. Beautiful, love the colors of your outfit <3

  8. I like the mixture of blue with caramel brown. Very nice outfit. You still look lovely even if you had a cold. I couldn't really tell. Have a great day!

  9. Dobre boje uz maramu koja mi se svidja i naocare koje otrkivaju mackasti look! Divno draga, skorz si mi slatka! :) :) :***

  10. You are very beautiful! You have great blog, I really love your style, amazing pictures as well!
    Would you like to follow each other? Will be glad if you visit my blog.
    Have a great day!

  11. Love this outfit! That jacket looks great on you :) xxx

  12. Uopšte se ne primećuje da ti bilo šta fali (mislim, da si prehlađena). Lepe su ti slike, kao i tvoj kraj u kojem sada živiš :) Kod nas je sada sve tmurno i jako je hladno :(

    1. Hvala ti :) Joj, znam, dolazim uskoro pa i mene čeka to vreme...

  13. Slatkice nasa, marama je fenomenalna :)

  14. oh, wow! u r definitely a real fashionista and know how to put together a gorgeous outfit :)

  15. You definitely don't look ill in these pictures, you may not smile as much but you still look great.x I absolutely love the outfit you're wearing, love the colour combination! The scarf is gorgeous.x
    Thank you so much for your lovely comment and for following me back. Wishing you a great and relaxing Sunday!

  16. Great brown jacket..! and i love your pant as well !

  17. novi komšiluk odlično izgleda moram priznati:) super je kombinacija, jako mi se sviđa taj šal sa životinjskim uzorkom i smeđa jakna...divna ležerna kombinacija!
    savršene fotografije kao i uvijek!
    ...ja volim izaći u šetnju i kad sam umorna, uvijek me nekako malo osvježi.


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