Jun 3, 2015

Interview for Moda en Calle

Today I'm happy to announce that I gave an interview for a famous Spanish fashion portal, Moda en Calle. You can check it out HERE and if you want the English version, you can find my answers below. I want to thank to the team of Moda en Calle, they made me feel really special, like a real star :)
Hoy les traigo la entrevista que hice para el portal de moda, Moda en calle. La podéis ver AQUÍ. Quiero dar las gracias al equipo de Moda en Calle, me hicieron sentir como toda una estrella :)
Danas vam prenosim intervju koji sam dala za poznati španski modni portal, Moda en Calle. Možete ga pogledati OVDE, a ako vam treba prevod, čitajte nastavak. Ovom prilikom želim još jednom da se zahvalim ekipi sajta Moda en Calle, zahvaljujući kojoj sam se osetila kao prava zvezda :)

 English / Srpski

Tijana is the owner of blog Fashion Abejita and we spoked with her about fashion and fashion blogs. Despite the fact that fashion isn't her main occupation, she dedicates it the same amount of time and passion, as if it were, and of course, the results are obvious. These are Tijana's impressions:

Tijana vodi blog Fashion Abejita i sa njom smo razgorvarali o modi i modnim blogovima. Iako moda nije njeno zanimanje, posvećuje joj istu vreme i ljubav, kao da ona to jeste i naravno, rezultati su očigledni. Ovo su njeni utisci:

Blog: Fashion Abejita
City: Barcelona

Blog: Fashion Abejita
Grad: Barselona

1. Where are you from? / Odakle si?

I'm from Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, but I live in Barcelona.

Dolazim iz Beograda, glavnog grada Srbije, a živim već nekoliko godina u Barseloni.

2. What is your occupation? / Čime se baviš?

I studied Spanish language and Hispanic literatures and I work as a translator.

Studirala sam španski jezik i hispanske književnosti i radim kao prevodilac.

3. Would you like to be professionaly invloved in the world of fashion? / Da li bi volela da se profesionalno baviš modom?

Yes. Although I really love my profession, fashion is something that I've been into since forever and having a job that invloves it would be like a dream come true. I think that nowadays, the things that we studied and the job we have, don't define us. If I had an opportunity to do something else, fashion would definitely be choice. Maybe my blog can lead me to that direction or maybe I can do something thanks to some fashion courses that I've been taking, like for example - Image consultant and personal shopper. We'll see.

Da. Iako obožavam svoju profesiju, moda je nešto što sam oduvek volela i baviti se takvim poslom bi za mene predstavljalo ostvarenje sna. Smatram da nas u današnje vreme ne određuje fakultet koji smo studirali ili posao kojim se trenutno bavimo. Kada bih imala prilike, moje drugo zanimanje bi svakako bilo vezano za modu. Možda me moj blog odvede u tom pravcu a možda mi posluži i znanje koje sam stekla usavršavanjem na modnim kursevima (Image consultant and personal shopper). Nikad se ne zna.

4. When did you start your blog and why? / Kada je nastao tvoj blog i zbog čega?

I started it in May of 2013 as an idea of mixing all the things I like the most: fashion, travels that I do often and my great passion for writing and translating. I dedicate a great amount of time to every segment of my blog. Despite that fashion is something very visual, the things I say are as important as the clothes that I wear or the places I visit. You'll never see me saying that I wear this thing from here and the that thing from there, I always want to say something more and not look like something that has been already seen. I write in 3 languages (Spanish, English, Serbian) with and idea of joining my profession and my blog, and also for my readers who appreciate the effort. I also have to say that I wouldn't be here without my husband who is my photographer and the mayor support. Thanks to him I have a great quality of photos, which is essential in the world of fashion blogging. Speaking in general, I like to think that my blog is more than a fashion blog, fashion is like a stepping stone, the exuse that permits me growing my creativity while doing the things I like the most.

Prvi post sam objavila u maju 2013. godine sa željom da objedinim sve one stvari koje najviše volim: modu, putovanja na koja idem relativno često, kao i moju veliku strast ka pisanju i prevođenju. Posvećujem ogromnu pažnju svakom segmentu svog bloga. Iako je moda nešto veoma vizuelno, ono što prenosim tekstom je podjednako važno kao i odeća koju nosim ili mesta koja posećujem. Nikada nećete videti da sam napisala da nosim ovaj komad odeće odavde ili odande, uvek želim da kažem nešto više i učinim celu priču zanimljivom. Ne želim da moje reči zvuče kao nešto što je već viđeno. Pišem na tri jezika (španski, engleski, srpski) sa željom da objedinim blog i posao kojim se bavim kao i da se približim što većem broju čitalaca. Takođe moram da napomenem da moj blog ne bi postojao da nije mog muža koji je moj fotograf i najveća podrška. Zahvaljujući njemu imam kvalitet slika koji mi je potreban a to je nešto što je na prvom mestu u svetu modnih blogova. Generalno govoreći, smatram da je moj blog nešto više od modnog bloga, moda mi služi kao baza, kao izgovor za moj kreativni razvoj zahvaljujući kojem objedinjujem stvari koje volim.

5. Where does you blog name come from? / Odakle potiče ime tvog bloga?

Behind the name Fashion Abejita (little bee) hides an inside joke that my husband and I had when we met. The name is actually his idea, I liked it because it sounds kind of funny and it's different. Although it doesn't sound like a name of a fashion blog (despite the word fashion, obviously) it's something mine and very important to me.

Iza reči Fashion Abejita (modna pčelica) se krija šala koja nastala kada smo se moj muž i ja upoznali. Ovo ime je zapravo njegova ideja a meni se svidelo ime jer je pomalo smešno i drugačije. Iako nema veze za modom (osim reči fashion) to je nešto samo moje i samim tim, meni veoma važno.

6. How would you describe your style? / Kako bi opisala svoj stil?

My style is a mix of many styles. I would say it's some kind of casual chic. Obviously, I like to look nice and feel nice, but for me it's also important to feel comfy with the clothes I wear. I like items that can be worn in many different ways, all kind of dresses and cheerful colors. If today I'm wearing something elegant, tomorrow I'll be probably wearing soemthing very casual. There are no rules and it depends on the day.

Moj stil je mešavina različitih stilova. Ako bih morala da objasnim ukratko, rekla bih da je u pitanju casual chic. Osim što želim da sebi izgledam lepo i da se tako osećam, važno mi je da odeća koju nosim bude udobna. Volim komade odeće koji mogu da se nose na više načina, haljine svih modela i vesele boje. Ako sam danas u elegantnoj odeći, sutra će verovatno doći na red sportska kombinacija. Nema pravila i zavisi od dana.

7. Favorite color or print? / Omiljena boja ili print?
As I already said, I prefer cheerful colors, like yellow that brightens up any day or red that gives me energy and confidence.

Kao što sam već rekla, volim vesele boje kao što je žuta npr. jer mi ulepša bilo koji dan, takođe crvenu koja podiže energiju i daje mi samopouzdanje.

8. Which fashion trend in your opinion will be the most seen this summer? / Koji modni trend će po tvom mišljenju biti najzastupljeniji ovog leta?

Definitely fringes and everything that has something to do with the 70's of the last century. What I like the most, are the gladiator sandals, something that in my mind never goes out of fashion and that compliments almost any summer outfit.

Svakako rese i sve što ima veze sa stilom iz 70-ih godina prošlog veka. Ono što se meni najviše dopada su gladijator sandale koje su, ako se ja pitam, uvek u modi i prilagođavaju se skoro svakoj letnjoj kombinaciji.

9. Do you like fashion shows? Do you think that they influence streetstyle or it's the other way around? / Da li pratiš modne revije? Da li misliš da utiču na streetstyle ili je situacija obrnuta?

Not so much. I like to keep myself informed about everything in general, and the same happens with fashion shows but my intrest doesn't go further from the things I see on other blogs or in fashion magazines. It seems that streetstyle is something very dominant these days, it's like a fashion show on its own, that grows in a very spontanious and natural way. I think that fashion shows and streetstyle depend on each other, although they're very different.

Ne previše. Volim da se informišem o svemu, pa tako i modnim revijama ali moj interes ne ide dalje od informacija koje pronalazim na drugim blogovima ili modnim časopisima. Mislim da je streetstyle jedna veoma dominantna kategorija u današanje vreme, to je kao modna pista za sebe koja se razvija na jedan spontani i prirodniji način. Smatram da modne revije i sreetstyle međusobno utiču jedna na drugu iako su na prvi pogled u pitanju različiti pojmovi.

10.  Favorite designer or brand? Ko je tvoj omiljeni dizajner ili brend?

That would be Michael Kors, Isabel Marant, Stella McCartney and Valentino, and my favorite highstreet brands are H&M and Mango.

To su Michael Kors, Isabel Marant, Stella McCartney i Valentino a što se tiče pristupačnjih brendova, izdvojila bih H&M i Mango.

11. Do you follow some Spanish or international fashion blogs? / Da li pratiš neki španski ili internacionalni blog?

Yes, I follow a lot of blogs but it's not really a habit. Sometimes I discover a fashion blog that I follow for months and then, something other that I prefer in that moment pops up. The blogs that I never miss are Viva Luxury, Seams for a desire and Mimi Ikonn.

Pratim ih dosta mada ne tako redovno. Desi se često da otkrijem neki blog kojeg se držim nekoliko meseci pa se onda pojavi neki novi kojem dajem priortet jer me u tom trenutku više inspiriše. Blogovi koje ne propuštam su Viva Luxury, Seams for a desire i Mimi Ikonn.

12. Do you think that fashion brands have more sales when they work with a fashion blogger or with a model? What is the benefit of working with a fashion blogger? / Da li smatraš da modni brendovi imaju bolju prodaju ako sarađuju sa nekom blogerkom ili modelom? Šta je ono što jedna blogerka može da ponudi u odnosu na modele?

I think that with eruption of fashion blogs, both brands and customers are starting to choose rather a fashion blog than a model. Fashion blogger is a girl like anyone else, it's still kind of anonymous which is why it's easy to relate to her, but she also has some caracteristics of a model, which makes her interesting. Very often, we can communicate with them directly and because of that proximity, maybe it's easier to believe in her opinion than in traditional advertising.

Mislim da se sa ekspanzijom modnih blogova, i brendovi, i mušterije sve više ugledaju na modne blogove. Modna blogerka je devojka kao i bilo koja druga, neko "stvaran", osoba koja je dovoljno anonimna da bismo se sa njom identifikovali, a koja u isto vreme ima određene karakteristike profesionalnog modela što je čini zanimljivom. Često se radi o osobama sa kojima možemo direktno da komunciriamo i zbog cele te pristupačnosti, možda je lakše verovati njenim utiscima nego nekoj reklami.

13.  Do you think that in fashion everything's already invented? / Da li misliš da je u modnom svetu već sve viđeno?

Although it seems like that, although every decade, every season has numerous lives, somewhere in beween there is a place for something new, for something that is growing slowly. For example, if I put on some clothes from the 70's, I won't look like a person who had my age in that period. Every season, every designer, every piece of clothes, every person and its personality bring something new, something unique and fresh and that's why I thing we still haven't seen everything.

Iako je gotovo sve već izmišljeno, iako svaka decenija i svaka sezona imaju dug životni vek, negde između ima mesta za nešto novo, za nešto što se neprestano stvara. Npr. ako obučem odeću iz 70-ih godina, neću ličiti na osobu koja je bila mojih godina u tom periodu. Svaka sezona, svaki dizajner, svaki komad odeće, svaka osoba i njena ličnost daju neki svoj lični pečat, nešto novo, nešto sveže, prema tome, ne smatram da je u modnom svetu već sve viđeno.

14.  Do you think that the eruption of blogs has brought a change? / Smatraš li da je erupcija blogova dovela do neke promene?

Yes, although not on such a global level because there are still many of us who don't understand that term or who have some ridiculous idea about it. I think that the biggest change is yet to come but I also think that maybe in future it can devolope to something else or maybe even disappear.

Da, mada ne baš na globalnom nivou jer još uvek ima dosta onih koji nisu ni čuli za modne blogove ili imaju pogrešno mišljenje o njima. Mislim da ćemo sve više postajati svesni njihovog potencijala i uticaja, mada takođe ne isključujem mogućnost da će se u budućnosti pretvoriti u nešto drugačije ili čak potpuno nestati.

15.  Did the social media help you? In which way? / Da li su ti pomogle društvene mreže? Na koji način?

Yes, thanks to social media, I have more visitors, more traffic and more people who discovered my blog in general. Social media are somehing very important these days. I'm not really obsessed with them but with Instagram is different. It's like my second blog, I dedicate it a lot of passion and time.

Zahvaljujući njima imam više pregleda, više publike pa samim tim i više ljudi koji me redovno prate. Društvene mreže su nešto bez čega se skoro ne može u današnje vreme mada se ja njima uopšte ne opterećujem. Sa Instagramom je druga priča, to je moja omiljena društvena mreža i svom profilu posvećujem ogromno vreme i pražnju. On je kao moj drugi blog.

16. Is it possible to live only from the money that comes from blogging? / Da li može da se živi od blogovanja?

Yes, of course, but nobody can know whether that moment will come or not. It's something that depends on so many things but in general, the money that someone makes from blogging is an extra income, which is always great.

Može, naravno, ali je nešto što vam niko ne garantuje. Da bi se do toga došlo, potrebno je da se poklope različite stvari. U svakom slučaju novac koji se zarađuje od blogovanja je dodatna zarada koja uvek dobro dođe.

17.  Did some fashion brands offer you a collaboration? Can you mention something specific? / Da li su neke modne marke i brendovi stupili u kontakt sa tobom radi saradnje? Da li možeš da izdvojiš neku posebno?

Yes, I had I lot of offers and with some of them I had a great experience based on their great way of working, but I have to say that there are a lot of brands who are everything but professional and whome I had to refuse and even feel bad after working with them. For me, it's not something very important, I mean, if somebody offers me something nice and interesting, I would be glad to accept it, but only if it's something serious and something that I actually like. We have to be careful with who we work with, it's important to don't get blind when somebody says nice words while offering you free things and money.

Da, bilo ih je dosta i iako sam sa nekima imala samo pozitivno iskustvo zasnovano na međusobnoj profesionalnosti, nažalost se ističu oni drugi sa kojima to nije bio slučaj, koje sam morala da odbijem ili da se čak pokajem što sam im posvetila pažnju. Za mene to nije nešto preterano bitno, ako mi se desi prilika da uradim nešto drugačije, rado ću je prihvatiti, ali samo ako druga strana pristupi profesionalno i naravno, ako se radi o nečemu što mi se dopada. Treba obratiti pažnju sa kim stupamo u kontakt i ne dozvoliti sebi da nas zaslepe lepe reči, besplatne stvari i novac.

18.  How can blogs make more visibilty on the network and in general? / Na koji način blogovi mogu da steknu veću preglednost na internetu ili van njega?

Obviously through social media and in contact with other bloggers but the reality is a little bit different. I think that there is this thing, let's call it the luck factor, because even if in some moment 200 persons see my blog, from that number there would be probably 2 people who actually like it. I think it's important not getting obsessed with numbers or fame, and what really bothers me is spam of all kind. That's not the way. What really matters is the dedication and joy and although it's a cliche, we should concetrate on quality over quantity. That way is certainly more difficult and slower but it's the right one.

Svakako preko društvenih mreža i kontaktom sa drugim blogerima mada je stvarnost malo drugačija. Mislim da najveću ulogu ima faktor sreće jer iako moj ili neki drugi blog vidi 200 osoba u jednom trenutku, sigurno će se od njih izdvojiti samo 2 osobe kojima ću se ja ili neko drugi dopasti. Mislim da se ne treba opterećivati željom za uspehom, slavom ili ciframa, a ono što mi najviše smeta je bilo koja vrsta spama. Smatram da treba voditi blog sa mnogo posvećenosti i ljubavi i koncentrisati se uvek na kvalitet a ne na kvanitet. Taj put jeste teži i sporiji ali je onaj pravi.

19. What advise would you give to someone who is thinking about having its own fashion blog? / Koji bi savet dala nekome ko želi da vodi svoj modni blog?

Number 1 - don't do it beacuse of money, free clothes and any kind of material benefit. Nobody refuses those things, obviously, but you have to think on other things first. Fashion blogosphere has become something very big, maybe too much, but despite of that, there is a place for everyone. It's important to do it beacause you really want to, to look at it like a hobby that you do beacuse it makes you happy. What you need to know is that blogging requires a lot of time, sometimes I think it's my second job beacuse behind evey post there are hours and hours of work. What matters the most is being yourself beacuse only with that you can offer something new, a new energy and inspiration. Being a fashion blogger is something very satisfying, a great experience which brings a lot of opportunities, a lot of interesting things and new friendships, but there are days when me or any other blogger, ask ourselves is it really worth all the effort, can I do it despite all the problems and negative things. In those moments I always think that if it makes me happy, I will continue doing it, and if there's even one person who reads my blog with a smile on their face, I won't stop either. So, my answer would be "yes" because as Paulo Coelho said: "If it's still on your mind, it is worth taking the risk."

Broj 1 - da to ne radi zbog želje za novcem, besplatnom odećom ili iz bilo kog drugog materijalnog razloga. Niko ne beži od tih stvari ali treba pristupiti drugačije. Modna blogosfera je nešto jako veliko i razvijeno ali uprkos tome, ima mesta za sve koji žele da se time bave. Važna je želja i važno je gledati na blog kao hobi kojim se bavimo iz ljubavi i jer nas čini srećnima. Ono što treba znati je to da blogovanje iziskuje mnogo vremena, nekada mi se čini da imam dupli posao jer se iza svakog posta kriju sati i sata rada. Najvažnije je biti svoj jer na taj način dajemo svoj lični pečat, novu energiju i inspiraciju. Bavljenje modnim blogovanjem je nešto što jako ispunjava, jedno divno iskustvo koje sa sobom nosi mnoge prednosti, nove prilike i nova prijateljstva, ali ima dana kada sa i ja ili bilo ko drugi zapitamo da li je sve to stvarno vredno truda, da li mogu da rešim probleme i prepreke. U takvim trenucima uvek pomsilim kako dokle god me moj blog čini srećnom, neću prestati njime da se bavim, i dokle god postoji makar jedna osoba koja prati to što radim sa osmehom na licu, takođe. Prema tome moj odgovor je "da" jer kako kaže Paulo Koeljo - "Ako još uvek razmišljaš o nečemu, onda je vredno rizikovanja."


  1. Bravo ljube! Cestitam od srca i bas sam uzivala citajuci tvoje odgovore! Ponosna sam! :) Slazem se sa svime napisanome i da, i ja jako jako volim Jessie u okviru spanjolskih blogerica... cini mi se da je bas "na zemlji" i beskrajno draga! Bravo, bravo, bravo! Bas sam sretna!:)))

    1. Hvala još jednom, mila moja! :) Znam da ti slično razmišljaš ;) I da, Jessie je lutka jedna, nimalo umišljena kao većina ;) E pa srce mi je puno ako je tako! :) <3

  2. Draga čestitam, mnogo mi je drago, i želim ti još ovakvih prilika za intervju i poslove u svetu blogovanja. Vrhunski si dala odgovore, slažem se s većinom stvari koje si rekla! Ljubim te, i baš mi je milo!

    1. Hvala ti, draga! :) Drago mi je da ti se dopalo i što se slažemo. Ljubim te! :*

  3. How cool and congrats!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  4. I'm so proud of you sweety :D Read it all! Very smart and truthfull answers!

    Giveaway - www.mykindofjoy.com

    1. Good girl :D I'm so glad you like it, honey :)

  5. baš mi je bilo zanimljivo pročitati sve tvoje odgovore i čestitam na intervjuju, skoknuti ću i do španjolske verzije da vidim kako izgleda. Blog traži puno truda, ali mislim da se on u konačnici i vidi...na tvome se svakako vidi ta kvaliteta, to je nešto što se ne postiže lako, ali na kraju je najvažnije da budemo zadovoljni napravljenim...onda nam nije žao truda.

    Slažem se s svime što si napisala i sama slično razmišljam, a opet si to sve tako lijepo sažela i rekla, da mi je ovaj post baš inspiracija!

    1. Hvala puno, draga moja :) Drago mi što ti se svideo intervju i naravno, što se slažemo, kao i uglavnom što jeste slučaj. Ako sam plus uspela da te inspirišem, onda nemam šta da dodam. Hvala ti od srca <3

  6. Bravo i čestitam! Samo tako nastavi, sviđaju mi se odgovori :) L.

  7. Thnks for your visit... and congratulations for your interview!!! y no sé porqué te hablo en inglés.. ajjaja

    Muy buenos outfits! y bien escogido el de la misma entrevista ;)

    Nos vemos pronto

    Enai's Soul

    1. Jaja, qué gracioso! :D Thank you very much! ;)

  8. Great interview darling :)


  9. Que lindo un reportaje así !!
    He entrado a leerlo y me encanto !!

  10. love it,
    your photos are so cute.


  11. Congrats for your interview, I just came from there.

  12. Jako jakooo dobro! Nisu postavli koji fotoapart i koji objektiv tačno koristiš.Jako bi volela da čujem koji objektivi kameru uzimaš :D Možeš mi odgovoriti,bila bih zahvalna <3

    1. Hvala, Kristina :) Naravno! Fotoaparati su Pentax k-50 i Sigma dp merrill, a objektivi Sigma 30mm 1.4 i Samyang 85mm 1.4. Nadam se da sam pomogla :)

  13. I so love this. Thank you for sharing and have a great day! :)


  14. Great!

  15. Qué chulada de entrevista!!! Eres grande Tijana. Besos enormes.

  16. Congrats on the article! Loving the look !!


    <a href="http://livriot.blogspot.com/2015/06/xxii.html“>LivRiot</a> // <a href=“www.instagram.com/livriot/“>Instagram</a>

  17. congratulations on the entrevista.Atleast now I know where the name Fashion Abejita comes from and what it actually means

    1. Hehe, well, you can always ask me anything :) Thank you for reading it! :)

  18. Congrats on that interview, Tijana, I had no idea that you're translator (but as you said in this interview, our studies and our job don't define us and I totally agree with it!). Moreover, I see that we have so many in common, for example we have similar fashion taste: I love MK's and Valentino's collections too :)


    1. Thanks a lot, dear! :) Yup, that's my secret :D Of course, we all have different background and fashion in common ;) I'm also glad that once again we share the same opinion :)

  19. Divnoo, baš me razveselilo kad sam ovo ugledala! Čestitam ti od srca, predivan intervju i mudro zboriš :)
    Upravo to što si navela i ovdje, da se uvijek trudiš reći pokoju riječ više i učiniti svaki post zanimljivim, je i ono što je mene privuklo na tvoj blog i zašto te uvijek rado čitam. Uz tvoj stil naravno koji mi se sviđa i blizak mi je :)
    Evo sad sam saznala i što je abejita hehe, a IG moram što prije napraviti. Čitaj, čim mi stigne novi mob za koji dan, jeeej!

    1. Mila, hvala ti najlepše! :) Drago i je da te je upravo to privuklo i hvala ti od srca na svim rečima :) Čekam te na Instagramu ;)


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